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catherinearbour 9/7/2020 7:09 PM
catherinearbour 9/7/2020 7:19 PM
It's Kanami.
7:19 PM
I got your number from Yosuke-san.
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 9/7/2020 7:20 PM
Oh, hi Kanami-san
7:20 PM
Sorry, I’ve been a little busy lately. Must have slipped my mind
catherinearbour 9/7/2020 7:27 PM
It slipped mine too 😊
catherinearbour 9/7/2020 8:41 PM
We need to talk about things at some point
8:42 PM
We should also consider seeing each other in person
8:42 PM
For old times' sake
8:42 PM
I have cake
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 9/7/2020 8:46 PM
I was actually going to say the same thing. I know I'm not the most extroverted person, but I feel like I haven't been available at all lately, and I don't like that.
8:46 PM
So what I'm saying is, yes, that sounds nice.
catherinearbour 9/7/2020 8:47 PM
Hopefully we have some free days that coincide
8:47 PM
I realize that I really have no idea what you've been up to recently...
8:49 PM
Are you really in that chatroom app?
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 9/7/2020 8:49 PM
Oh yeah, that
8:50 PM
I am actually. It just showed up one day.
catherinearbour 9/7/2020 8:50 PM
Argh, I was hoping he was pulling my leg 😖
8:51 PM
I guess I should ask if you still want me to refer to you as Nozomin...
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 9/7/2020 8:53 PM
I'd prefer just Nozomi in the chatroom if that's okay. There are a few people in there I don't trust completely.
catherinearbour 9/7/2020 8:53 PM
I'll try my best to remember that
8:53 PM
It's sort of a habit
8:53 PM
Will you get mad if I don't use honorifics?
8:54 PM
This might sound weird, but because you were the princely one I just don't know what to use
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 9/7/2020 8:54 PM
It's fine. I don't mind at all.
8:55 PM
And I understand. I know how hard it is to break those habits, but we really should be careful of what we say in there. There's still a lot of things we haven't figured out about it.
catherinearbour 9/7/2020 8:56 PM
You and everyone else keep telling me that...
8:56 PM
Uuuuugh I can't keep this up
8:56 PM
I need to tell someone
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 9/7/2020 8:56 PM
We're telling you that for good reason
8:56 PM
And tell someone what?
catherinearbour 9/7/2020 8:57 PM
Don't. Tell. This. To. Anyone.
8:58 PM
I mean this.
8:58 PM
Okay so, are you aware of the someone named Magatsu-Izanagi in the chatroom?
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 9/7/2020 8:59 PM
Yes, I've spoken with him in there once or twice
catherinearbour 9/7/2020 8:59 PM
Well.... I may have met him in person.
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 9/7/2020 8:59 PM
Please tell me you're joking
catherinearbour 9/7/2020 9:00 PM
Mmmmm 😅
9:01 PM
This doesn't feel like the type of thing you should joke about.
9:01 PM
If it's any comfort he's the only one I've met
9:03 PM
There's a man recently out of prison for murder in the chatroom, I could do much worse than meeting a persona who likes petting rabbits and offered to keep me safe on the way home (edited)
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 9/7/2020 9:04 PM
Kanami-san, I say this with the best of intentions, but Magatsu Izanagi claims to be the persona of that same murderer. Just because he acts nice to you doesn't mean he means it.
9:05 PM
I don't think you should meet with him again
catherinearbour 9/7/2020 9:05 PM
That part is going to be a little difficult.
9:05 PM
He seemed to really dislike Adachi-san
9:05 PM
Like really really
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 9/7/2020 9:06 PM
How much have you been told about personas?
catherinearbour 9/7/2020 9:07 PM
Enough? Maybe?
9:07 PM
Who knows
9:07 PM
Yosuke-san isn't the greatest at explanations (edited)
9:07 PM
I can just ask Magatsu-san
9:07 PM
He'd tell me
9:08 PM
Or you can, if you know something
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 9/7/2020 9:11 PM
Well, from what I've been told, a persona is a person's truest personality given a physical form. Magatsu Izanagi was born of the heart of a murderer, which means that's always going to be a part of him. He's always going to be dangerous. Even if he's nice on the surface, he could have an ulterior motive for getting close to you. You can't trust him, Kanami-san.
catherinearbour 9/7/2020 9:11 PM
Well maybe someone else had Magatsu-san first and that's the version I see
9:12 PM
Or maybe because he's not attached anymore he has his own personality back!
9:12 PM
I don't want to be argumentative but also he kind of comes to my place to charge his phone sooooooo
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 9/7/2020 9:12 PM
He what
catherinearbour 9/7/2020 9:13 PM
He comes to my place to charge his phone?
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 9/7/2020 9:14 PM
This is going to sound really mean, but I'm only really saying this because I care. Do you have some kind of death wish?
catherinearbour 9/7/2020 9:14 PM
9:15 PM
I don't miss my parents that much
9:15 PM
Ahhh maybe that wasn't the way to phrase that
9:15 PM
Ignore that!!
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 9/7/2020 9:15 PM
Kanami-san, I'm honestly like, in shock right now. Why would you ever invite a stranger to your home?
catherinearbour 9/7/2020 9:16 PM
He's a friend, not a stranger. (edited)
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 9/7/2020 9:16 PM
You don't know that for sure.
catherinearbour 9/7/2020 9:16 PM
I consider him a friend.
9:17 PM
Are you sure he's the same kind of persona?
9:17 PM
He really doesn't act anything at all like Adachi-san
9:17 PM
Maybe I'll just ask
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 9/7/2020 9:20 PM
I don't claim to know much about personas or how they work, but I don't see how that matters. You met him what? Less than a week ago? Would you let some shady guy you met at a café into your home? It's the same exact thing, except this guy is some weird supernatural being that used to be part of a murderer.
catherinearbour 9/7/2020 9:20 PM
I asked!
9:20 PM
He says he was given to Adachi-san by someone named Izanami
9:20 PM
A lot of these names feel like they should sound familiar...
9:21 PM
Anyway, that means he's not a concentrated "part" of him
9:21 PM
He's just himself
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 9/7/2020 9:22 PM
That still doesn't matter for what I'm trying to tell you. You shouldn't let strange men into your home like that. You realize how easy it is to lie right? Especially over text.
catherinearbour 9/7/2020 9:22 PM
More like partners than part of
9:23 PM
9:23 PM
He knows already so there's no taking it back anyway
9:23 PM
And I'm not kicking him out either
9:24 PM
And he was invited for cake
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 9/7/2020 9:25 PM
9:25 PM
I'm at a complete loss right now
catherinearbour 9/7/2020 9:26 PM
I can't help with that, I think I make it worse every time I say something
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 9/7/2020 9:29 PM
Kanami-san. I want to tell you something. And I promise that I'm saying this as a friend. A real friend, that really cares about you and wants you to be safe.
9:29 PM
The last time I saw someone make this many stupid decisions in this short of a time frame was when I was on that B-rate TV drama.
9:29 PM
I'm begging you to please stop hanging out with him, at least until we can learn more about him.
catherinearbour 9/7/2020 9:30 PM
I promise to try my best to avoid Adachi-san but when it comes to Magatsu-san I made this bed and I am going to lie in it.
9:31 PM
I've auditioned for enough B-rate movies to know what you're referring to (edited)
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 9/7/2020 9:33 PM
Look, I just
9:34 PM
I have a really bad feeling about this, and I don't want you to get hurt
catherinearbour 9/7/2020 9:35 PM
And that's fine
9:35 PM
And I appreciate it
9:35 PM
I'll do my best
9:35 PM
But Magatsu-san is a strange subject
9:36 PM
In other news: how you holding up after Yosuke-san apparently reminded you of LMB?
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 9/7/2020 9:36 PM
I don't know if reminded is the right word. It's more like he proved it was real.
catherinearbour 9/7/2020 9:37 PM
9:37 PM
9:37 PM
How you doing now that you have that in your head?
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 9/7/2020 9:38 PM
It was hard to process at first. But now it's starting to feel like things are making more sense.
catherinearbour 9/7/2020 9:38 PM
That's good, right?
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 9/7/2020 9:39 PM
Probably. I still haven't fully decided.
9:39 PM
I'd much rather know the truth either way though. I don't like living in the dark.
catherinearbour 9/7/2020 9:39 PM
Us getting this app makes sense when you think about all the weird things that happened to us
9:39 PM
Mostly to you guys
9:40 PM
Can I ask something though?
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 9/7/2020 9:40 PM
catherinearbour 9/7/2020 9:40 PM
When you got taken did you see who grabbed you?
9:40 PM
When you got taken did you see who grabbed you?
9:40 PM
Or was it just ribbons in a weird void?
9:41 PM
Void might not be the right word
9:41 PM
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 9/7/2020 9:42 PM
I don't remember seeing anyone, other than Kujikawa-san and her friends when they saved me. It was a bunch of ribbons that grabbed me, and I was on some weird stage.
9:42 PM
It's kind of a blur if I'm being honest.
catherinearbour 9/7/2020 9:43 PM
That's fair
9:43 PM
I'm just wondering if that thing with my face had anything to do with it
9:43 PM
I think they said it was behind it
9:44 PM
I'm glad you four didn't follow us and that not-me through that screen
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 9/7/2020 9:44 PM
Maybe. I don't really remember that part all too well.
catherinearbour 9/7/2020 9:44 PM
I remember some parts a bit better
9:45 PM
A lot of it feels like a bad dream
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 9/7/2020 9:47 PM
I thought it was until recently.
catherinearbour 9/7/2020 9:51 PM
Well it shows up for me mostly in dreams
9:51 PM
Which are never pleasant
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 9/7/2020 9:54 PM
If I can confide a bit, part of the reason I've never slept too well is because of the nightmares. It's not every night, but I very often have nightmares about those events.
catherinearbour 9/20/2020 10:41 AM
Hey Nozomin? Can... can we talk?
10:42 AM
I know we never really finished talking about bad dreams, but... well... I need help.
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 9/20/2020 11:06 AM
I'm always here to help. What's wrong?
catherinearbour 9/20/2020 11:07 AM
Um... a lot happened in that chatroom last night.
11:07 AM
I guess you didn't notice.
11:09 AM
Yosuke-san now knows that I've met Magatsu-san.
11:09 AM
Heck he knows that Magatsu-san charges his phone at my place.
11:09 AM
Mmm, I don't remember if I told you that part.
11:10 AM
You'll be happy to know that Adachi-san apparently wants nothing to do with me, so that should be a comfort.
11:11 AM
I am willing to respect privacy considering he's already dealing with a lot of flack from Yosuke-san
11:11 AM
11:11 AM
11:11 AM
He asked a bad question last night.
11:11 AM
And now I'm kind of scared?
11:13 AM
Yosuke-san is mad, I used my full name in the chatroom again and I may as well have just called myself a prize cow.
11:13 AM
That summarizes some of it
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 9/20/2020 11:18 AM
I'm going to ignore all of the previous things you said right now, because I don't want to get angry on top of all that. But are you okay? Are you safe? Have you noticed anyone strange following you?
catherinearbour 9/20/2020 11:20 AM
I haven't gone out today.
11:20 AM
I'm debating dragging Magatsu-san with me when I go do groceries.
11:21 AM
I know what you're going to say but hear me out: if he wanted me dead he'd have probably done so ages ago.
11:21 AM
He has no reason. He finds the human world curious and interesting.
11:22 AM
I'm taking the small victories right now.
11:22 AM
Mmm... a full name wouldn't give someone an address would it?
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 9/20/2020 11:23 AM
I want to say no, but I don't know enough about how that stuff works to be sure
11:25 AM
If you're not feeling safe, you can probably stay at the studio. I'm there overnight a lot, I'm sure it'd be fine.
catherinearbour 9/20/2020 11:26 AM
Maybe, but you don't have a manager that insists on weird things whenever you're at work.
11:27 AM
I'm not even listed in the phone book, I don't see how anyone could have my address unless I gave it to them
11:27 AM
Magatsu-san is really bad with directions, he's not an issue.
11:28 AM
Can I ask you something weird?
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 9/20/2020 11:28 AM
I don't like the sound of that but sure
catherinearbour 9/20/2020 11:29 AM
You know me, right?
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 9/20/2020 11:31 AM
Of course I know you. We've been friends for years.
catherinearbour 9/20/2020 11:32 AM
You also know work me though.
11:32 AM
So... which one is the real one?
11:34 AM
It can't somehow be both. If regular Kanami bled into Kanamin people would lose interest... and if Kanamin showed too much outside of tours and studios I'd lose what I've built myself.
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 9/20/2020 11:37 AM
I'm not sure I understand completely. They're both a part of you, I don't see why you have to decide that one is more real than the other. Why are you asking this?
catherinearbour 9/20/2020 11:41 AM
Everytime someone asks I start to wonder
11:42 AM
Can I be both?
11:42 AM
People like Kanamin
11:42 AM
Kanami is tolerable
11:42 AM
Maybe I'd be more cautious if I was a bit of both...
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 9/20/2020 11:50 AM
Kanami-san, you're not the only person here living a double life, I know what that feels like. But, that's not something I can help with. Who you are is up to you to decide. No one else can tell you who you are. It's something you have to feel. If you choose to be both, then you can be both. If you choose to be one or the other, that's fine too. But it's up to you to figure it out yourself. If it makes you feel better though, I think both Kanami and Kanamin are pretty great.
catherinearbour 9/20/2020 11:52 AM
😊 Thanks, Nozomin
11:52 AM
You're right, it's up to me to figure that stuff out.
11:52 AM
Maybe I can find a happy middle that doesn't tear me apart.
11:53 AM
I should probably start by using some of the caution I have as Kanamin...
11:53 AM
There's no fixing the chat now, I don't know how to delete messages.
11:53 AM
But I can try and make things better, not worse.
11:54 AM
I'm glad I got a chance to talk to you about all this.
11:54 AM
If there's something you want to get mad at me about, you're free to.
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 9/20/2020 12:03 PM
I'm glad I got to talk to you about it too.
12:04 PM
I'm not going to get mad right now, but you're right. You should start being more careful. I still don't think you can completely trust Magatsu-san. Just because he hasn't done anything yet doesn't mean he isn't planning something. Just please watch out for yourself, and if anything happens, tell me right away.
catherinearbour 9/20/2020 12:05 PM
I promise I will tell you right away if something happens.
12:06 PM
But I want to think you're wrong about him
12:06 PM
This is the only thing I'm not going to compromise on.
12:07 PM
If you got to know him maybe you'd see what I mean.
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 9/20/2020 12:08 PM
Believe me, I hope I'm wrong too.
12:08 PM
I just don't want you to get hurt.
12:08 PM
12:08 PM
I don't want to think about what I'd do if something happened to you.
catherinearbour 9/20/2020 12:09 PM
And I really really appreciate that.
12:10 PM
I promise I'm careful.
12:10 PM
He sometimes does my chores for me, did you know that?
12:11 PM
And the one time I asked about what his world looked like he left so fast I thought he was mad at me.
12:14 PM
Then he came back and described it to me and told me that he'd never bring me there because it's too dangerous.
12:15 PM
At least he bothered to describe it 😅
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 9/20/2020 12:39 PM
I still don’t like it. If he’s really not human, then we don’t know his true motivations. I guess see what you can learn from him, but keep an eye out for anything suspicious
catherinearbour 9/20/2020 12:45 PM
Fair enough.
12:45 PM
I promise to be careful.
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 9/20/2020 12:56 PM
That’s all I’m asking for
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 10/14/2020 6:28 PM
@Kite Okay, I think I’m starting to understand. You use these personas to fight things. That makes sense I guess. I was also pretty intrigued by that “persona game” you mentioned if I’m being honest.
Yup 👌 It's a game that requires 4 players. You go into a room and the players stand in each corner. Then you just say something along the lines of 'persona please come here' walk over to the next person and tap them. Once all 4 people do that they should be visited by philemon. The game can be played by anyone, even people who are already persona users can join in (they wont get a new persona though eheh).
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 10/14/2020 7:14 PM
Not to sound rude, but this sounds like some kind of “scary” game for kids, like Bloody Mary or something.
Yeah, it was pretty much an urban legend sort of thing, but it works. At least 20 people i know have confirmed it. It isnt really a difficult game so its not like itd hurt to try with your pals even if you dont believe me.
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 10/14/2020 7:25 PM
Wow, 20 people? That’s a lot more than I would’ve thought. I don’t know though. I’d hate to drag more people into all of this nonsense if I can help it.
Yup! I'm also someone who got their persona through that method so yknow. Well arent you in an idol group or something? You could ask them to play with you. That way theyll also have protection if something bad happens.
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 10/14/2020 7:30 PM
I’m sorry, how did you know I was an idol?
You made it pretty obvious? Talking about dance practice and recording sessions.
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 10/14/2020 7:34 PM
Oh. Right. I guess I did do that huh? Well regardless, I don’t know how much the others know or remember about all this stuff. What we went through was pretty traumatic, and I’d hate to drudge up those memories.
Yeah, eheh. That's fair, it's important to keep their feelings in mind too. I guess it's something you'd have to discuss more with them if you decided to try the game. At the least, now that you know how to do it, you can do it if a dangerous situation arises.
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 10/14/2020 7:40 PM
I guess that’s true. I would ask Hanamura, but I’ve gotten the impression that he’s very much against me getting involved
Yeah, I've noticed he's a little uptight about that. Not that I blame him for wanting to keep you safe but like sometimes trying to keep people in the dark puts them in further danger imo.
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 10/14/2020 7:45 PM
That’s kind of what I was thinking too. He wants to keep me out of it, but whether he likes it or not, I’m already involved, and I don’t even have a persona. If I end up here, how long until one of the other girls ends up here too? He seems determined to protect us, but he can’t always be there. I just want to be able to keep them safe when he’s not around.
Mmhm. It's better if you have the means to protect yourself. The guy's got his heart in the right place but he cant be everywhere at once. Of course, I can also help you out if you ever need anything. The shadow ops are supposed to help protect people and all.
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 10/14/2020 7:52 PM
Yeah, I appreciate him wanting to help, but he’s just going to end up spreading himself thin. I also appreciate the offer, but I don’t know how easy it would be to hide the sudden appearance of a bunch of weird agents at the studio. My mom and my manager would definitely have some questions for me.
Yeah, if he does that he'll have trouble ever protecting himself. Oh true đŸ€” i do know maybe one or two people that might be able to come by without raising suspicion though.
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 10/14/2020 7:56 PM
Really? Like who? Are there people in the industry that are a part of your group?
Well theres a talk show host, a reporter, and a photographer. I figure one of them could come up with a pretty reasonable excuse to come visit the studio without it coming off as odd.
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 10/20/2020 2:59 AM
All of those could work actually. Figuring out a reason for them to stay long term might be an issue though. Either way, it's nice to know there are options out there.
True, true. But they can always like come in shifts or make an excuse of staying around for other business? Yeah though! We're always willing to help if needed 👍
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 10/20/2020 4:00 AM
Thank you. I really do appreciate it. I have some things to think on for now, but I'll definitely consider your offer, and I'll let you know if I have any other questions about all of this. I probably will, but for now I need to figure some stuff out.
No prob! Take your time, I'll be around if ya need me 👌
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 2/3/2021 8:23 PM
Nozomi's heart was racing in a way she hadn't felt in a long time. Even if it wasn't serious, she was still anxious to make sure everything was alright, just on the off chance it was serious. She was in the process of hurriedly shuffling through the alley, cursing internally the whole way. Who put a restaurant in a back alley like this? Who thought that was a good idea? Thankfully, it wasn't too big of an area. As soon as she saw the sign, she made a beeline for the door. She hesitated, only for a moment, before taking a breath and opening the door. She stepped in, freezing for a moment to take everything in; the counter, the booths, the scent of coffee and curry on the air. Yeah this seemed like the right place alright.
8:23 PM
corvidknight 2/3/2021 8:30 PM
Well, the person who had chosen the location definitely wasn't Akira, but he was always somewhat thankful that the place was somewhat out of the way. After all, he'd insisted on working with a broken arm, and it would have been a chore to deal with a surplus of customers with one hand. He was partway down the stairs as Nozomi stepped inside, and he finished his descent while she took in her surroundings. It only occurred to him after he'd risen his hand to wave that she had never seen his face before. The tragedy of remaining anonymous and insisting on emojis in a chat room, he supposed. In one smooth motion, his hands were in the pockets of his jeans, tucked partially behind his apron. "Hey, welcome to LeBlanc."
8:30 PM
@Shy, the Galactic Base Baller
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 2/3/2021 8:38 PM
At the voice, her eyes immediately darted to the source, and, Um, wow. But there wasn't any time to think about that. Maybe if she weren't already so worked up, she'd take the opportunity to trip over her words and make a total fool out of herself. Right now though, Nozomi had more important things on her mind. "Um, hello, I uh-," focus, get the words out. "I-I'm supposed to be meeting someone here. Would you um, happen to know if th-, there's a um, someone named Goro here?" The worry was evident on her face, as much as she wanted to try and hide it, though she didn't want to worry some random employee too much. "O-Or maybe a Hanamura? Either of those people."
8:38 PM
corvidknight 2/3/2021 8:47 PM
"Both," came the answer, tone smooth, "I'm 'Goro', but that's not my real name. Pancake is upstairs." Not the most eloquent he'd ever been, but it would do. He'd wait for a moment for her to register that, then jerk his chin toward the stairs and turn to ascend them again. It was an open invitation for her to cross the cafe and join him in the act of Checking On Hanamuraâ„ąïž. Not that Akira thought he needed to do so. Someone else totally did, though, if the chat room was any indication. Just because Nozomi was here didn't mean he had to completely ignore the chat, right? He only thought to actually introduce himself once Nozomi had caught up, keeping his eyes on her as he spoke. "My name's Akira. It's nice to meet you."
8:47 PM
@Shy, the Galactic Base Baller
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 2/3/2021 9:04 PM
She blinked a bit at the response. In her hurry and fatigue, processing this information took longer than she would've liked to admit. Of course he was Goro. There was no one else here. She didn't expect the fake name, but it made sense. Nozomi did, however, completely forget for a moment that "Pancake" was referring to Yosuke. Once the other started heading back up the stairs, she scurried over herself, not wanting to get separated. At least, as separated as two people could get in a tiny cafe. She did her best to keep close, and nodded at the introduction. "Ah, it's a pleasure to meet you as well. I-I'm, um, Nozomi Nakahara." Stupid, she couldn't help being so formal. She made her best attempt at avoiding eye contact as much as she could. "So, uh, what happened?"
9:04 PM
corvidknight 2/3/2021 9:20 PM
So formal! And here he thought they were already sort-of friends, since good old Pancake trusted her. His mistake, apparently. He made a mental note of that for later. Throwing a glance at Yosuke, the corners of his lips twitched briefly toward a soft, concerned frown, but they were quickly wrangled back into place. Formal, professional. "He fell asleep after he ate, so I carried him up here," came the simple explanation. His tone remained as soft as the temporary frown, betraying the level of concern he truly felt at Yosuke's condition. "I thought it would be more comfortable than sleeping at a counter."
9:20 PM
@Shy, the Galactic Base Baller
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 2/3/2021 9:34 PM
Nozomi breathed a sigh of relief. If that was all that happened, it was probably just exhaustion. She knew a thing or two about that at least. Still not great that it happened, but definitely better than a lot of the alternatives. At least he was sleeping now. "He's probably fine then," she stated simply. She wanted to look at him more closely just to be sure, but the diagnosis seemed sound for now. "I'm um, sur-, erm, impressed that you um, got him all the way up here. I-I would've certainly needed help." He was stronger than he looked. Granted, Yosuke probably wasn't the heaviest person in the world, but carrying an entire limp body up a flight of stairs couldn't be an easy feat.
corvidknight 2/4/2021 7:48 AM
The phone in his hand did not seem to agree with Nozomi's diagnosis. Checking Yosuke's temperature would be a good idea, but that would mean getting close and... touching him again. At the same time, checking to make sure he's not getting sick would probably put Nozomi's mind more at ease; Akira was a stranger to her, after all. "Oh?" was a sort of reflexive prompt, leaving Akira's lips as he crossed the attic to his bed. He stood, hopefully looking a little bit more like he was pausing to listen to Nozomi's clarification rather than just kind of... staring down at Yosuke. There was a pang in his chest, one he was overly familiar with; he'd felt it six times already, and it was hard to believe he'd be experiencing it for a seventh. But no homo, and all that, right pancake? Bending to set the back of his hand against Yosuke's forehead, he remained silent long enough to adjust to the temperature of the sleeping man - normal, as far as he could tell - and pulling away after a lingering touch. His heart couldn't take much more than that. The quiet that had fallen over the room was broken after a smile directed toward Nozomi, Akira's stride easily allowing him to cross the room in a heartbeat. "I work out. It's an old habit from high school. Were you still hungry? Your curry's ready downstairs."
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 2/5/2021 3:55 AM
Ah, yes. Of course he works out. Why wouldn't he? It wasn't like anything in Nozomi's life was ever made easier by learning more about it after all. Nevertheless, she watched intently as Akira approached the sleeping figure. This room looked less like a storage room and more like a bedroom, which made her hesitant to follow. She could at least tell that he was feeling for a temperature, and she assumed that if anything felt awry, he would mention it. Or, she hoped he would. When he moved to return, her eyes glanced up and caught the smile, and then rapidly averted from him. No eye contact, or it was all over. Nozomi knew that much about herself. "I uh, um..." the words took some time to form in her throat before she was able to force them out, rather rushed. "Y-Yeah, I guess I am hungry. That sounds good."
corvidknight 2/5/2021 9:38 AM
The subversion of Nozomi's eyes read to Akira as discomfort, an apologetic look falling over his features as he carefully moved past her to descend the stairs once she answered his question. "Alright, follow me. Do you like coffee?" He asked the question over his shoulder, tilting his head so that he could look back at her over the rim of his glasses. It was momentary, at best - a glance to ensure that she was listening and not wandering off on him. Regardless of her answer, once they'd returned to the cafe, he'd busy himself with plating her meal, setting it before a stool so that he could occupy himself with making his own cup of coffee. If she wanted one, he'd make two, but Akira was definitely one of those people who drank coffee at all hours and could still pass out about it.
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 2/9/2021 5:40 PM
"Ah, no thank you. Coffee makes me um, jittery." Not to mention she wasn't a fan of the taste either. No need to mention that little tidbit. The flavor was usually too strong for her, so she tended to avoid it where possible. Nozomi followed the other back to the cafe and took her seat at the counter. She watched as he got to work getting everything in order, taking a moment to reflect on all the things she'd learned about him today. He worked out, he was quite handsome, had a voice like caramel, a smile that could kill, and to top it all off, he could cook. Talk about the total package, huh? All of this in conjunction forced her to keep her eyes down on her plate. The plate in question was also something to note. The dish looked amazing. Smelled it too. She closed her eyes for a moment, simply allowing the scent to waft up to her. Even so, she hesitated to take a bite. Trying new things wasn't exactly Nozomi's strong suit. Instead, she poked at it a bit. "So, um, h-how long have you been cooking?" It seemed stupid to try and make small talk, what with her friend currently unconscious on the floor above, but she just kind of spoke anyway. There wasn't much thought behind her actions at the moment.
corvidknight 2/25/2021 12:21 AM
Her reaction to the meal wasn't missed. Unfortunately, it was something Akira was used to at this point, and he was more than willing to wait for her to get brave enough to try it. There was a bit left over from her portion, and that went into a bowl of its own, something that he could hold while he lounged behind the counter. A snack, if you will. It might help reassure her that there was nothing to worry about with the dish, if she saw him eating it. That's what he hoped, anyway. A hum was the initial response to her question, subconscious and originating from deep in his throat. He examined her for a bit, eyes locked on her downturned face while he thought back on his answer. "High school," he started, gaze returning to his own food as he clarified, "I started working here while I was in high school. My first curry tasted terrible. Do you cook?"
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 2/26/2021 7:51 PM
High school. So he'd been cooking for at least a few years then. At least, that was her guess. He seemed about her age, so that was probably right. If that was the case, it was probably really good, the fact that he worked at a cafe aside. "Oh, no I um, I can't cook. I almost er, s-set my kitchen on fire once." Why did she say that? Why did she say that? Was she trying to make herself look stupid? Unfortunately there wasn't much she could do about it now. In an attempt to keep herself from babbling more, she hastily scooped up some curry to take a bite. Immediately, her taste buds were flooded with a taste she couldn't accurately describe, and she couldn't stop a soft, "Mmmm," from escaping her. Upon realizing that she'd involuntarily made a sound, her face also reddened slightly. Even her body was hell-bent on humiliating her, huh? "I-I-It's good," she stammered, trying to hide her embarrassment. "It's really good." She couldn't think of anything else to say, so she just took another bite. She might have to start coming here more often.
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/25/2022 2:00 AM
Just so you know, I'm... Sorry if things are awkward at your birthday party tomorrow between Yosuke and I.
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 11/25/2022 2:01 AM
Are you guys okay? What happened?
2:01 AM
If you don't mind me asking
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/25/2022 2:01 AM
Please don't tell Yosuke I told you.
2:02 AM
...He told me he loves me, and I told him I love him, but... I said we couldn't be together unless he gets help, and... That didn't work out too well.
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 11/25/2022 2:03 AM
Oh god
2:03 AM
That's a lot to take in
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/25/2022 2:03 AM
2:04 AM
Just thought you should know, if things get weird. I won't let it ruin anything, but I don't think he wants to talk to me right now.
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 11/25/2022 2:05 AM
Thanks for the heads up I guess. I'm really sorry though
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/25/2022 2:05 AM
It's okay. It's just for the best right now.
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 11/25/2022 2:06 AM
I understand. It sounds like a difficult situation to navigate
2:08 AM
Honestly I've been really worried about him too. I know you guys are close, and if there's something he won't tell even you, then there's probably a reason. And that scares me
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/25/2022 2:11 AM
I understand your concern. Me and a couple friends are going to hopefully figure out what's wrong... We have suspicions, but can't really confirm anything yet.
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 11/25/2022 2:13 AM
I know it's not really fair of me to ask anything from you while you're going through this, but if you could keep me updated, I would really appreciate it. And if there's anything at all I can do to help, please don't hesitate to ask
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/25/2022 2:14 AM
I will. Don't worry—it's going to be okay.
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 11/25/2022 2:15 AM
You know me, never stop worrying
2:15 AM
But thanks. I really hope you can get to the bottom of this
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/25/2022 2:15 AM
Worrying is bad for your health.
2:16 AM
I'm pretty sure I'd be dead if I worried over everything...
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 11/25/2022 2:17 AM
I have a lot of habits that are bad for my health, and I doubt that this is going to be the one I can get rid of
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/25/2022 2:19 AM
That's fair, but I hope that you can find some time to relax in all of this. ^-^
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 11/25/2022 2:20 AM
That seems unlikely, but I'll do my best
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 1/1/2023 3:36 AM
Nozomi was alone in her apartment tonight. Maybe she shouldn’t have been, but she wasn’t really up to going anywhere. She was sure someone from the Kitchen would be happy to entertain her, but she didn’t want to bother any of them. They were probably all enjoying themselves anyway, no need to drag the mood down. She sighed, standing up from her computer. She needed a break. Someone in the chatroom probably would’ve yelled at her for working on a holiday, but what else was there for her to do? She didn’t really make a habit of going to shrines normally, she couldn’t cook, and she wasn’t about to go to see any family either. She sat down on her loveseat with a huff, letting her head lean back and take the stress off of her neck. How long was she sitting like that for anyway? A quick glance at her phone revealed the time, 11:56. Several hours then. Shit, she forgot to get dinner too. What was with her today? Though she wasn’t left alone with her thoughts for very long, as before she could put it away, her phone started buzzing in her hand. The caller ID felt almost as if it were glaring at her. Mom. How many times had she called at this point? For the first month it was every day, sometimes more. Though the less frequent they became, the more punctuating they were. Instead of something to be expected, they were now something that kept catching her off guard. Not that she’d answered. Not since she moved out. Even after all this time, she didn’t feel ready to have the conversation she knew was coming. Still, it had been a while. Maybe she should pick up, just this once. .
3:37 AM
There was a moment of hesitation as her thumb danced over the answer button, a moment of pure, primal terror. But things were different now. She was different. It was time to stop running. She swallowed hard and tapped on the button. There was a tense silence as she lifted the phone to her ear. Neither of them seemed to want to say the first word. Finally, the silence was too much, and Nozomi let out a small, “H-Hello?” “I have to say, I didn’t expect you to answer.” Her mother’s voice carried a stinging tone. “Not even a ‘hello’ back?” “’Not even a hello’?! How about a goodbye?!” The voice was raising now. This was much faster than anticipated. “You just up and left in the middle of the night without so much as a note! If it weren’t for Ochimizu telling me you were still coming to the studio, I might’ve thought you were dead!” “Yeah, I-I guess I have been a little um, d-dodgy, huh?” Nozomi was doing everything she could to keep herself together, and if there were anyone watching, it would’ve been made clear by her face. “Dodgy isn’t the half of it! Six. Months. Six months is how long it’s been since I last heard from you. Do you even understand how long that is, or were you too lost in one of your ‘projects’ to notice?” “I-I-I’m sorry, okay? Look, things just, er-, they g-got really busy a-a-a-....” “Don’t make excuses with me, young lady!” Her mother snapped back, the microphone on her phone audibly peaking. “You can’t possibly tell me that you were so busy that you couldn’t spare a single call, even just a text?! What were you busy with then? Clearly not your speech therapist from the way you’re still stuttering at me.” .
3:37 AM
“D-... Don’t
.” Nozomi’s voice was small. “I’m sorry, what was that?” Her mother relentlessly continued the bombardment. “I thought I told you to speak up. Honestly, how you can be so different on stage is a marvel to me.” “Don’t talk to me like that,” she stated. There was no trace of a stutter this time. This elicited a pause. “What did you say?” “I said, don’t. Talk. To me. Like that.” Nozomi’s voice grew more assertive. “Talk to you like what, Nozomi?” “Don’t talk to me like you’re my boss, or my manager, or like you can tell me what to do.” “Is that really how you’re choosing to speak to your mother?” “Is this how you’re choosing to treat your child?!” Nozomi yelled. She was standing now. When did she start standing? “If you’re wondering why I never picked up before, this is why! I-I can’t do this anymore mom! I can’t take you talking down to me and trying to control me!” “Is that what this is about?!” Her mother snapped back. “So you felt like you could throw this little tantrum?! Make a big fuss because I’m trying to look after my daughter?!” “Oh, that’s rich. Name one thing you’ve done to ‘look after’ me.” “I provided for you! Don’t you remember that I made you what you are today?!” “You made me? You made me what I am? Is that what you really think?” “If it weren’t for me giving you that push, you wouldn’t even be an idol right now!” “Did you ever stop to consider that maybe I wasn’t ready?!” Every sentence was shouted now. She wasn’t sure where all of this power was coming from, but she wasn’t about to question it now. “I was thirteen mom! Thirteen and practically mute I was so scared of people! Did you even think for a second about whether or not I wanted this? Because I hate it, mom! I hate being a fucking idol!” .
3:37 AM
“Language, young lady!” “No! I will not watch my damn language! I’ve been watching my language for the last twelve fucking years around you, but now I’m finally going to give you a piece of my mind!” Her whole body was tense. She wasn’t sure if it was from anger or fear, but it was too late to turn back now. She took in a breath and launched into it. (Warning for mentions of abuse) “I know how you feel about me! I’ve always known! I know that I’m the reason dad didn’t stick around, that I was a burden on you, that you couldn’t support both of us back then. I’m not fucking stupid. I know why you pushed me into music, into being an idol. Oh yeah, your useless, dead weight daughter was finally good for something, huh? Can’t even look you in the eye, but she sure can sing right?! All I ever was to you was a burden and a paycheck!” “How dare-” “SHUT UP, I’M NOT DONE!” Silence rang out over the line for the next few seconds. Nozomi swallowed again before continuing. “You never let me have a say in anything. You forced me into a career I didn’t want, pushed me to do every job I could, worked and starved me to keep me stuck in the same old shitty routine, then you took the check. You took the credit for all of the work I did!” “You were a child, what else was I supposed to do with the money?!” “Is all you care about the damn money?!” She hissed. “You’re so focused on the wealth that you won’t even admit that you fucked up your own kid?! You’re not even trying to hide how much you don’t care!” Nozomi paused to let her mother speak, but was met with silence. “Well?” she asserted. “Do you have anything to say for yourself?” There was a pause before she heard her mother again. “I’m sorry you feel that way darling.” “Don’t you pull that ‘darling’ shit on me. Don’t try to start acting like you care now. You’re twenty-five years too late for that.” .
3:37 AM
“Well if you’re going to be like that, maybe I can convince you to come home another way.” “Oh yeah?” Nozomi almost laughed. She really wanted to laugh at that. “And what makes you think I’d want to go back to that shitty little apartment?” “I didn’t want to do this, but you’ve forced my hand. I saw that withdrawal you made, don’t think you slipped that by me. I’m going to get in contact with my lawyers, and we’ll see how they feel about all of those funds you stole from me.” “Oh, you mean my money? The money from the joint account with both of our names on it? The one I can legally withdraw from whenever, that account? The account full of paychecks signed to me? You don’t even have a fucking case, let alone the fact that I have Takura Pro’s lawyers behind me. You’d lose, hands down.” There was another long pause, and her mother refrained from speaking. Nozomi knew she was bluffing. It was all she was ever good at. “Are you just content with leaving me to starve then?” was the only answer she received. “I take it what I left you is running out then?” “It is,” her mother answered. “By the end of the next month, I might be out on the streets.” “Then I suggest you find yourself a job,” Nozomi said pointedly, finishing off with a venomous, “freeloader.” And with that, she ended the call. .
3:37 AM
Even after hanging up however, she didn’t move for a time. The reality of what she’d done was starting to set in. She did it. She finally did it. She’d been holding onto all of those feelings for so long, it was weird to have them out in the air now. But she did it. Without thinking, she started to cry. This time felt different than all of the others though. Usually her tears were forced out by the crushing weight of her emotions, but this time her body felt light, free even. It was like all of the burdens her mother had placed on her over the years were finally lifted. She was sobbing, yes, but she was also smiling. Probably an odd response to a conversation like this, but she just felt wholly relieved. Just as she was starting to calm down, she felt her phone buzz again. Her bleary eyes looked down, seeing the ‘Happy New Year’ messages popping up in the Kitchen group chat. Huh, it was midnight, wasn’t it. A soft smile came to her face, and she sent a well-wish of her own. She even sprung for an exclamation point too. Festive. God, she really needed something to help her settle down after all of that though. She thought for a moment, remembering the unopened bottle of wine in her fridge. Ochimizu had given it to her on her birthday, telling her to save it for a ‘special occasion’. Well, now was as good a time as any right? Nozomi stood, going to retrieve the bottle. No cork, her manager knew she didn’t have a corkscrew, so she just popped it open, turned on some jazz music, and returned to her seat. “To new beginnings,” she said to herself, holding the bottle high in a toast before tipping it back for a draught.
Kanji Tatsumi | Rabbit BOT 5/6/2023 10:40 PM
10:41 PM
just checkin in, you alright over there?
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 5/6/2023 10:41 PM
Oh, yeah I'm alright. I'm just getting ready for a pretty big announcement, so I have some things I need to take care of beforehand
Kanji Tatsumi | Rabbit BOT 5/6/2023 10:42 PM
big announcement? 👀
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 5/6/2023 10:43 PM
Um, yeah. I can't really talk about it right now, but there's going to be a press conference and everything
Kanji Tatsumi | Rabbit BOT 5/6/2023 10:44 PM
no worries. i'm really excited for ya :D
10:44 PM, doesn't feel right typin a happy face right now...
10:44 PM
um... if i still look like i'm in a pissy mood when i get back to tokyo, i'm sorry
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 5/6/2023 10:45 PM
Don't worry, I understand. I'm sure all that news is probably really worrying. I can't imagine how you're feeling
Kanji Tatsumi | Rabbit BOT 5/6/2023 10:46 PM
pretty shitty, tbh
10:47 PM
but... we gotta get her out of there
10:48 PM
and i gotta calm down, and talkin to you helps me do that, so...
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 5/6/2023 10:49 PM
Well I'm glad I could help at least. Let me know if you need anything at all
Kanji Tatsumi | Rabbit BOT 5/6/2023 10:54 PM
...i know you just said you got stuff to take care of and all but if you got time, could i maybe come over when i'm back in town? i'll cook something (edited)
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 5/6/2023 10:54 PM
I'd really like that, thanks
Kanji Tatsumi | Rabbit BOT 5/6/2023 10:55 PM
me too
10:55 PM
definitely think i need it
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 5/6/2023 10:58 PM
Me too honestly
Kanji Tatsumi | Rabbit BOT 5/6/2023 11:02 PM
heh, glad we're on the same page
Shy, the Galactic Base Baller 5/6/2023 11:06 PM
Yeah, it'll be nice to just have a relaxing home cooked meal. I've been having so much takeout this week
Kanji Tatsumi | Rabbit BOT 5/6/2023 11:10 PM
same here
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